
Showing posts from February, 2023

Crisis And Bravado

 So, I'm writing an RPG for my gaming group. It's intended to be: Fast Silly Violent We've had a lot of fun playing various systems, most recently I managed to drag a three page adventure from the Troika! rulebook into lasting 9 months by randomly generating D20 rooms for every floor of the fictional hotel they were visiting. One of the things we liked about Troika! was how the skills worked. The players quite liked not being constrained within the "Perception", "Acrobatics" etc mold, and quite enjoyed the sheer level of bullshit they could have with skills like: "Dead Animal Economy" - which let them barter anything they'd killed "Dominant Position" - allowed them to psychologically break someone and have them following them around as a subordinate NPC. "Simian Cardiac Surgery" - allowed them to perform open heart surgery on a Mandrill. They liked that aspect of the rules, but wanted something slightly crunchier, so as...